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The high rate of per capita calories in most countries- the United States and Europe top the list

This discovery is in line with a trend showing that people in all regions of the world have been consuming more calories since 2000, and the highest rise in Asian countries has been recorded in 2021.

Europe and North America witnessed the consumption of most calories last year – at a rate of 3540 calories per day – while African countries consumed the lowest number (2,600 calories). The number of calories in Oceania was the closest to the United States and Europe, reaching about 3150.

FAO data also indicates that the average temperatures in 2021 were more than 1.4 degrees Celsius more warm, than it was between 1951 and 1980.

Europe has witnessed the highest temperature change, followed by Asia, while Oceania has recorded the slightest change so far.

The FAO said that the greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural land also decreased by 4 percent between 2000 and 2020, with 70 percent on farms.

While livestock release carbon dioxide emissions about 50 times more than emissions from chicken, the cultivation of rice is five times the carbon in the atmosphere, compared to wheat and coarse grains, according to the annual statistical book of 2022 issued by the FAO.

According to data from more than 20 thousand indicators covering more than 245 countries and regions, the organization’s numbers analysis tools have found that 866 million people are working in agriculture today.

This number represents more than a quarter of the global labor market and its value is $ 3.6 trillion.

Compared to the year 2000, this represents “an increase of 78 percent in the economic value, produced by a 16 percent fewer, with Africa recorded the weakness of this growth.”

Since 2000, the production of primary crops, such as sugar cane, corn, wheat and rice, has grown 52 percent from 2000 to 2020 to 9.3 billion tons.

The production of vegetable oils increased by 125 percent during that period, while increasing the production of palm oil by 236 percent.

The production of meat, led by chicken, grew by 45 percent, while fruits and vegetables witnessed 20 percent growth.

Among the amazing number of facts provided by the Food and Agriculture Organization, sugar cane is the largest crop in the world, with a size of 1.9 million tons annually and the corn crop comes second- 1.2 million tons.

In addition, global food exports increased to $ 1.42 trillion, an increase of 3.7 times since the beginning of the century.

The largest food exporting countries in the world in terms of total value are the United States, the Netherlands and China.

Brazil was, to a large extent, the largest clear exporting countries – those that were exported more than it imported – followed by Argentina and Spain. While the largest pure imported countries were China, Japan and the United Kingdom.

The area of ​​agricultural land is 4.74 billion hectares of the surface of the planet, including meadows and pastures, as well as crops.

However, the total area used for agriculture decreased by 3 percent since 2000, which is six times less than the per capita of it at the beginning of the century, with Africa occupying the lead again.

Food and Agriculture Data experts also noted that the use of pesticide around the world reached its climax in 2012 and began to decline in 2017.

Countries that have the highest use rate for pesticides for each hectare are St. Lucia, Meldiv Islands and the Sultanate of Oman.


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