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Secretary -General: We need a race to develop artificial intelligence for public benefit

The UN Security Council held a session today, Tuesday, to discuss the issue of artificial intelligence. In his speech to the session, Antonio Guterres said that artificial intelligence provides new human rights capabilities, especially in the fields of health and education.

He pointed to the increasing use of artificial intelligence in identifying the patterns of violence, monitoring the ceasefire, and enhancing the efforts to maintain peace, mediation and humanitarian efforts.

But the Secretary -General also warned that artificial intelligence tools can be used by malicious intentions.

And he said“The harmful uses of artificial intelligence systems for terrorist, criminal, or in the interest of a state can cause terrifying levels of death, destruction, spread shocks, and deep psychological damage on a scale beyond perception.”

He pointed out that the electronic attacks supported by artificial intelligence target vital infrastructure, humanitarian operations and peacekeeping operations causing“Great human suffering.”

The Secretary -General also warned that progress in the field of artificial intelligence is a milestone at the level of those who undermine facts and safety, and adds a new dimension to manipulate human behavior, and contributes to polarization and instability on a huge scale.

He added that the interaction between artificial intelligence, nuclear weapons, biological technology, nervous technology and robotics technology is“Very worrying”.

The Secretary -General confirmed in his speech to the session, which was titled“Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Risks for International Peace and Security”The governance of artificial intelligence requires a global orientation.

He explained that the issues related to governance remain complicated for several reasons, including the availability of strong artificial intelligence models for the public, and the ability to transfer artificial intelligence tools around the world without leaving a significant impact.

Guterres pointed out that there are rules that can be launched, including the 2018-2019 guidance principles on deadly self-operating arms systems, which were adopted through a ban on a ban or restriction of the use of certain traditional weapons, as well as recommendations on artificial intelligence ethics adopted in 2021 via UNESCO.

He added that“The Anti -Terrorism Office, in cooperation with the United Nations Regional Institute for Crime and Justice Research, made recommendations on how member states deal with the potential use of artificial intelligence for terrorist purposes”.


Guterres explained that the need for international standards and trends to deal with artificial intelligence makes the United Nations the “ideal place” in order to achieve this.

He added:That is why I welcome the calls of some member states to create a new international entity to support the collective efforts to manage this unusual technology. “.

The Secretary -General emphasized that the main goal of this entity is“Countries support to achieve the maximum benefit from artificial intelligence fromAnd reduce the current and potential risks, establish and manage internationally agreed mechanisms for control and governance..

He stated that the first step on this way is to hold a meeting of a high -level consultative entity on artificial intelligence, which will be a report by the end of the year on the global governance options for artificial intelligence.

Guterres said that the next policy summary that it intends to issue soon on the new peace agenda will include recommendations for member states on artificial intelligence governance.

He stated that the policy summary will recommend member states to adopt national strategies on design, development and responsible use of artificial intelligence, which is consistent with their obligations under international humanitarian law and human rights law.

Guterres said that the policy summary will invite member states to participate in a multilateral process to formulate customs, rules and principles on the military application of artificial intelligence, while ensuring the participation of effective parties related to this.

He also indicated that he will urge member states to agree to an international framework to legalize and enhance control mechanisms to use data -based technologies, including artificial intelligence, for anti -terrorism purposes.

He added that the policy summary will call for the completion of negotiations on a legally binding document by 2026 to prohibit the use of deadly self -weapons.

The Secretary -General concluded his speech by emphasizing the need for cooperation in order for artificial intelligence to become a means“For the bridge of social, digital and economic divisions, not to be a tool to push us towards more divergence”.

He added:“We need a race to develop artificial intelligence for public benefit. To develop reliable and safe artificial intelligence,”.


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